Fresh Start Culinary Training Program
At NTE, we have noticed that kitchens everywhere are getting an inordinate amount of attention and it is resulting in unintentional costs to the building.
Our trained dietitians will analyze the situation to not only treat the issues causing deficiencies but find the overall cause leading to the problem while providing proper training and skills to kitchen staff to improve quality and efficiency.
Services we provide:
Menu Analysis and Culinary Skills Training
If it is noted that your residents have multiple complaints about your food, our team will identify the reasons and remedy the situation such as: evaluating recipes, food delivery, and presentation.
Budget Analysis
Are you concerned for your department’s budget regarding food? We can meet with the team and administrator do discus realistic and adequate food budgets for your facility.
Root/Cause Analysis
Our trained registered dietitian team, led by Paul Ladewig, RD and Chef, can assist in addressing the root/cause behind your kitchen issues by addressing your kitchen's overall operations. this is a 3 day process of evaluation, observation, planning and implementation.
By improving your kitchen's abilities and training we can help save money and time lost from lack of training and turnover.
The Process:
On day 1 we come in and observe all your kitchen systems and talk with staff, CDM, DON and the administrator to address all perspectives.
By the end of the day we will have identified the root cause of your facilities issues and will develop a plan for correction.
On day 2 if needed we will work alongside staff and CDM and train the basics of the new plan and implement new systems to help with the needed correction.